Evaluation of Protein Supplements Isolated from Vegetables (Soy, Pea and Rice) on Weight Gain and Food Consumption in Wistar Rats

Author Details

Ingrid Lannay Rodrigues da Silva, Alexandre Coelho Serquiz

Journal Details


Published: 11 September 2018 | Article Type :


Most foods of plant origin have antinutritional factors which, when present in food, can cause adverse physiological effects. The present work aimed to verify the presence of protease inhibitors, as well as weight gain and dietary intakes of protein supplements isolated from vegetables, in wistar rats. The animals were divided into six groups; groups one and two were control groups (positive and negative control); the others received samples of four supplements (2 groups receivedsupplements of soybean, 1receivedsupplements of rice and 1 receivedsupplements ofpea). It was observed that the animals that received the supplementation presented a reduction in the weight gain and reduction of the alimentary consumption. It may be suggested that this reduction was due to satiety caused by the increase of CCK through a mechanism dependent on proteolytic inhibitors present in these supplements. Therefore, it is believedthat the use of these supplements, due to the presence of enzymatic inhibitors, would impair its functionality for hypertrophypurposes.

Keywords: Serine proteinase inhibitors. Trypsin. Chymotrypsin. Nutritional supplements.

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How to Cite


Ingrid Lannay Rodrigues da Silva, Alexandre Coelho Serquiz. (2018-09-11). "Evaluation of Protein Supplements Isolated from Vegetables (Soy, Pea and Rice) on Weight Gain and Food Consumption in Wistar Rats." *Volume 1*, 2, 8-14